Olivia Saito RMT

As of July 1, 2024 cancellation policy will be enforced. 24 HOURS NOTICE REQUIRED FOR CANCELLATION OR SAME DAY CHANGE OF APPOINTMENT TIME. Full fee for cancellation will be charge if that space is not otherwise filled. Thank you for your understand.

** As of September 15, 2024 office hours will be reduced due to renovations. If you are interested in booking outside of bookable hours online, please to do not hesitate to reach out. I will do my best to accommodate your needs.**

Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy

I feel honoured to have worked with and serviced clients in the Toronto area since 2001. I graduated from Sutherland Chan in 2000. I have had the opportunity to work in a variety of settings along side different professionals. I am continuously upgrading my education with travel and courses of interest.

I would explain my style of treatment as taking the best of all worlds and customizing a treatment plan for the individual. “From the moment my clients enter my office I use my observation, intuition and listening skills to fully understand my client. We work together to create a treatment plan and expected out comes. My client base is very diverse. I welcome all. I work with all ages, activity levels and states of health.”

I integrate all the tools I have acquired over my years of practice which make my approach unique. I feel blessed to have worked with so many wonderful people. Everyone has a story and our bodies hold that story. When I work with a client the story unfolds and the healing journey begins. Life is to live, laugh, love and to be the best individual you can.


Reflexology, Pregnancy Massage, Neuromuscular integration in structural alignment, Cervical, lumbosacral and pelvic mobilization techniques, Cranial techniques and applications level 1 and 2, Soft tissue release, Positional release, Joint Mobilization, Thai Massage, Shiatsu, Infant Massage Instructor and Massage and later effects of cancer and cancer treatments.

BREATHWORK FACILIATIOR Conscious Connective Breathwork


Spinal Energetics, Breathwork, Aqualead Master, Huna Practitioner, Angel Communicator, Divine Angelic Heart Sound Healing Level 1 , Kiko Sound Facilitation, Reiki Level 1 and 2.

Currently studying HUMAN GARAGE Fascial Maneuver Coaching.

I feel honoured to have worked with and serviced clients in the Toronto area since 2001. I gradu... Read More

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Located at: 463 St John's Road, Main Floor, Rear unit, toronto
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